My office is located on Washington Street in Salem, Massachusetts.
To schedule an appointment or to inquire about services, please either email me or leave a message on my confidential voice mail and I will respond as soon as time permits, usually within a day or two unless on vacation.
p.) 978-745-8311
For reasons related to privacy and confidentiality, I do not do online or telephone counseling. Due to scheduling or time out of the office, I am not always able to return calls on the day they are received. Therefore, if you are experiencing a crisis or emergency situation, instead of leaving a message that may not be received in a timely fashion, please call 911, contact a 24 hour crisis hotline or go directly to the emergency room.
There is a parking lot in front of my building. The spaces have parking meters which cost $1/ hour but it is always best to throw in a little extra. (The parking meter people are vigilant). When you enter the building, take the elevator to the second floor. There is a small waiting area there. Have a seat and I will come out to greet you when I am free.